Monday, December 10, 2012

SHOPPED - nails and lips

SHOPPED - nails and lips

There is a thing you need to know about me. I have been a nial-biter all my life. But I've discovered a couple of years ago that I don't have the urge to bite my nail when I'm wearing nail-polish.
A new addiction was born.

My favorite nail-polishes are by Catrice, they are super cheap but good quality and they have amazing colors (with awesome names).
These two are "from dusk till dawn" which is a Chanel Paradoxal-dupe, and Acid/DC.

I also bought two lip-stains. Lip-stains are so easy, you just put it one and done. Perfect lips.
I got a red one and a darker berry color.

The nail-polishes were 2.60EUR each and the lip-stains were 3.99EUR each


  1. Oe, naar de "from dusk till dawn" ben ik wel benieuwd!
    Hele mooie blog lay-out trouwens <3

  2. Oe, naar de "from dusk till dawn" ben ik wel benieuwd!
    Hele mooie blog lay-out trouwens <3


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