Thursday, August 25, 2016

August NEEDS

August NEEDS

Hi babes, even though August is almost done I'm still calling this August needs because these items are still quite summery.  I'm actually sticking to my chosen colour scheme, even in the items I'm buying. Not that buy a lot of things that I put on these lists. I just never get around to actually putting money on my PayPal and then I end up buying something else in the store.

I'm sorry for the shortness of this post and the big gaps in between posts. I've just been struggling with motivation to blog and trying to find a job. Let me tell you finding a job is not an easy task. Plus we're in the middle of a heatwave right now so it's almost too hot to get stuff done during the day, hence the late hour that I'm posting this…

I'll stop babbling now and try and get some sleep. I hope you're all enjoying this heatwave and are staying cool.
#1 - #2 - #3 - #4


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